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passion for education
The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
- Dr. Suess

I believe knowledge is one of the most important investments one can make. Which is why I am committed to promote education to the younger generation. Teaching is a passion I have had since I was little and hope to continue to make a difference by passing on knowledge I have learned throughout the years.

Through private tutoring, I teach recently immigrated children and transfer students how to read and write in English. By learning to become fluent in English, they are gain confidence and faith in a country they are not from but hope to become a part of.
Through UN Volunteerism, I joined a charity organization called Pratham. Pratham is designed to help every child in every corner of India to get a proper education. Through the program, I am connect to a digital classroom in a rural village in India, through Skype, and conduct a live, interactive class.

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